Barnet Town Warning


The legal voters of the Town of Barnet, Vermont are hereby notified and warned to meet at
the Barnet School on Tuesday, March l,20ll at 10 o'clock in the forenoon to act on the
following Articles:

To elect a Moderator.

To elect all other Town Officers as required by law and additional Town
Officers as approved by the voters.

To consider and act upon the report of the Town Auditors.

Shall the Town of Barnet appropriate the sum of Two Hundred Fifty
Dollars ($250.00) to the American Red Cross, Northern Vermont Chapter?

Shall the Town of Barnet appropriate the sum of One Thousand Dollars
($1,000.00) to Area Agency on Aging for Northeastern Vermont?

Shall the Town of Barnet appropriate the sum of Five Hundred Dollars
 ($500.00) to the Barnet Historical Society to be used for maintaining the
 Goodwillie House?

Shall the Town of Barnet appropriate the sum of Two Thousand Three
Hundred Dollars ($2,300.00) to Caledonia Home Health Care?

Shall the Town of Barnet appropriate the sum of Seven Thousand One
Hundred Sixty Dollars ($7,160.00) to CALEX Ambulance Service?

Shall the Town of Barnet appropriate the sum of Five Hundred Dollars
($500.00) to Catamount Arts?

ARTICLE 10. Shall the Town of Barnet appropriate the sum of One Thousand Seven
Hundred Dollars (S1,700.00) to Fairbanks Museum and Planetarium?

ARTICLE 11. Shall the Town of Barnet appropriate the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars
($10,000) to the Lake llarvey Association to be used for a boat
monitoring/wash program dedicated to the prevention of milfoil and other
invasive species at Harvey's Lake?

ARTICLE 12. Shalt the Town of Barnet appropriate the sum of One Thousand Seven
 Hundred Seventy-Five Dollars ($1,775.00) to Northeast Kingdom Human
 Services, Inc.?

ARTICLE 13. Shall the Town of Barnet appropriate the sum of Three Hundred Dollars
($39 9:10) to Northeast Kingdom Learnins-,Scr{qg !.r Ing ?

ARTICLE 14. Shall the Town of Barnet appropriate the sum of One Thousand Dollars
($1,000.00) to Northeast Kingdom Youth Services?

ARTICLE 15. Shall the Town of Barnet appropriate the sum of One Thousand One
Hundred Dollars ($1,100.00) to Rural Community Transportation?

ARTICLE 16. Shall the Town of Barnet appropriate the sum of Four Hundred Dollars
($400.00) to Umbrella Inc.?

ARTICLE 17. Shall the Town of Barnet appropriate the sum of Two Hundred Eighty
Dollars ($280.00) to the Vermont Center for Independent Living?

ARTICLE 18. Shall the Town of Barnet appropriate the sum of Two Thousand Dollars
($2,000.00) to the West Barnet Senior Meal Site?

ARTICLE 19. To see if the Town will elect two members of the Budget Committee for
three years, and if so to provide for their election.

ARTICLE 20. To see what arrangements the Town and Town School District will vote for
the collection of its taxes and by what lawful official for the ensuing year.

ARTICLE 21. To see what sum of money the Town will vote to raise to defray the
expenses and liabilities of the Town for the current year.

ARTICLE 22. To transact any other business that may legally come before the meeting.

Barnet Selectboard:
 Theodore Faris, Co-Chair
 Jeremy Roberts, Co-Chair
 Gary Bunnell
Benjamin Heisholt, Town Clerk