Ted Faris, Jeremy Roberts, and Gary Bunnell |
There were some easy and hard meals mulled over at Barnet's Town Meeting. People old and young got up and out today to go to Town Meeting Day in Barnet. The meeting was held in the gymnasium of the Barnet Elementary School. After two musical pieces played by children from the school, Dennis McLam was once again elected to be the Moderator for the meeting.
From an early survey it was clear everybody attending the meeting had an issue they felt was most important. From road repair to the Barnet town budget, even peace said one. The School budget was important for several people attending the meeting.
Road work was discussed twice during the meeting, once when Theodore Faris was re-elected for select board co-chair, and once when town projects were brought up. The select board plans to discuss grating and putting asphalt on the Barnet and Peacham roads. The first seven budget issues to pass, American Red Cross, Agency on Aging, Historical Society, health care, Calex, Catamount Arts, and Fairbanks Museum were passed with little discussion. One person wanted to know why Fairbanks was getting three times as much as Catamount, but there was no representative to answer.
Discussion began to heat up over an amendment of five-hundred dollars additional to the West Barnet Senior Meal Site. The amended price brought the total to two-thousand five-hundred dollars. The issue was with raising money above the asked amount. The amended value on the issue was eventually passed.
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